Team and individual Regos are now open

Team and individual Regos are now open

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Categories Social Competition

Team and individual registrations are open for our 2025 Winter touch football season.

Located at Parkville’s Royal Park North, Melbourne’s best touch football fields. We run on Wednesday nights and our season is due to commence on the 07th of May and will run through until the end of August.

And more info about our Winter competition is available here:

To enter a team or join as an individual follow these instructions:


If you are an individual or small group without a team, and wish to be placed into team click please visit Individual Players and follow the instructions. Every year we place large numbers and there is no cost for placement.

New Teams

To enter a new team (i.e. a team that has not played with us before) please download and complete the following Team Registration Form and email it to:

If you have not collected all your players details do not worry (you can add additional names later), just ensure the following are details are recorded:

  • Team name
  • Captains details (phone number and email)
  • Approximate standard of team. (your grade will be determined over the first two weeks which are grading rounds)

Once we have received your form we will hold a place for you in the competition. The total cost per team this season will be $1150, broken into a payment of $500 due before the season starts and a residual of $650 due by week 3. Note insurance is handled at a player level so in addition to the team fee at least 8 players must be have TFA insurance and be recorded against the team in the TFA system.

Existing teams

Please send us an email and we will reactivate your team for the upcoming Winter season.

Or for any other enquiries please contact Pete on:

Autumn preseason program 2025

Autumn preseason program 2025

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Categories Learn to play, Placement

In an effort to build the social touch community in the inner north of Melbourne, we are again running the PPT pre season program.

The program is free and open to all prospective players regardless of ability and will involve coaching and refereed scratch matches for unaligned players looking to start playing touch. And at the conclusion we will place individuals without a team into teams in our competition.

  • When: Wednesday the Wednesday the 16th of April at 6:45PM, add this event to calendar
  • Where: Field 2, Western Oval, Park Street, Royal Park North, Parkville VIC 3052. Map here

And the second preseason night is on:

Our pre season is primarily for new players. Players on teams already entered in the Winter competitions wishing to attend are welcome but must us let us know first

If you are an individual looking to be placed please add your name to individual player listing here so we have you on file.

Any questions please contact:

Peter Shaw (Mob) 0414 315 957

Formal Photos of all Thursday teams 2024-25

Formal Photos of all Thursday teams 2024-25

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Categories Social Competition
Tags 100 shots, Boss Ladies, Brian Lima Appreciation Society, Charlie’s Angels, Hornets, How I Tagged your Mother, Jedda’s Angels, Lost Children, MUGS, No Rucks to Give, Only Phans, Patchwork, Pink Panthers, RuPauls Tag Race, Stray Cats, Sugar Gliders, Swirley Girls, Tagliatelle, The Angels of Jed, The Big Lincs, The Blues, The Freddy Fittlers, The Funny Ruckers, The Greens, The Hooners, The Hoonies, The Melbourne Rentals, The Mighty Tighes, The Olympians, The Parrots, The Yellows, Thursday Referees, Touch Potatoes, Turtles, Untouched by The Veronicas